• 00989129170295
  • Central Office: Instrumental Street, Electronica Blvd,Sixth Fleet, Large Industrial Town, Shiraz, Iran
  • منتج من المنتجات المركبة
  • تصديق
  • ISO 9001: 2010
  • رسالة تقدير
  • أفضل وحدة هندسية في عام 96

المقدمة شركة التصميم الهندسي متین

في وسعنا ...

حول شركة التصميم الهندسي متین

Polymer products, especially composites, come in many industries with their exclusive advantages such as light weight, extremely high durability, fast and easy transportation and installation, high resistance to corrosion and environmental compatibility. Have greatly reduced their costs and increased productivity, and in competition with metal and concrete products, and in similar applications have managed to overwhelm most of their rivals in similar fields. In this regard, Matin Engineering Design Company In 2007, as a designer, manufacturer and executor of a variety of pressure vessels, an atmospheric reservoir cylindrical reservoir And cubic tank, grp tank, tank SMC, Fiberglass tank ، Burial tanks ،  septic tank Sewage , septic tank Sewage ، Composite fittings و Composite manhole valve (Composite valve) Founded and started to work.
From other activities Matin Engineering Design Co It is possible to provide industrial solutions, especially to deal with industrial corrosion based on operational processes using Nano composite As well as its mission of expanding and replacing old products with the composite industry and disadvantaged by the expansion of this industry.
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  • Head Office: Great Industrial Town, Shiraz, Fifth Circle, South Research Bulletin, 301 Ave
  • Second Office and Factory: Great Industrial Town, Shiraz, 6th Circle, Instrument Street, Matin Design & Development Co.
  • Commercial / Sales office: Saadat Abad, between Serpent Square and Book Square, Serdghabar Blvd., 98, Negin Building, 3rd Floor Unit 20
  • Office of Shiraz:
    37735083 071
    37735078 071
    37735081 071
  • Tehran office:
    26763197 021
    22130991 021
    26763190 021
شركة التصميم الهندسي متین

Internal standard

Matin Engineering Design Company was awarded the standard badge from the National Iranian Standards Organization in 1395.
شركة التصميم الهندسي متین

External standard

Matin Engineering Design Company has succeeded in achieving the following international standards
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001
شركة التصميم الهندسي متین

شركة التصميم الهندسي متین

We try to help God with the use of world-class knowledge of composite products not only to offer the best quality to our customers, but also to make new inventions and innovations in this regard.

Therefore, the following three principles have always been considered by managers and employees of the company:

    • using Advanced technology

    • using Experts

    • Timely delivery Work to customers

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